GMK WORLD is able to take up pioneering positions on issues that the industry grapples with and seek solutions to these in a collaborative manner. We keep track of the latest policies and regulatory trends to ensure success in this volatile emerging market where policy changes and political uncertainty impinge on the success or failure of project development.


GMK WORLD provides an engaging interface between players in the energy sector, policymakers (central and state level), electricity boards, financial institutions, ministries, power developers, Indian and multinational companies, equipment suppliers, EPC contractors and consultants.


GMK WORLD neutral disposition enables it to interact with regulators from a position of strength and provide cutting-edge information on developments in the emerging market.

Explore What We Are Doing Better

GMK World is a leading industrial conglomerate in the United States of America, India, the I-JAE, Germany, Canada, and Mexico. Germany and Canada. This underlying principle of integrating “Approaching “Toward invincibility” is what keeps the Joshi Brothers, first-generation entrepreneurs, going strong. 

All of GMK World’s divisions work together to improve people’s quality of life by fostering economic development, environmental sustainability, and security around the globe. 

GMK Pharma

GMK Pharma GMK manufactures excipients, intermediates, and APIs using modern technology and research. GMK works to provide low-cost, high-quality pharmaceuticals to patients. Medical experts and patients worldwide have trusted us for decades.​

GMK Seafood

GMK Seafood completes the fisheries' value chain. It grows prawns. Each region and landing centre has an acquisitions representative. Insulated and chilled vehicles distribute goods. Preprocessing resources. Modern processors and freezers. It has its own quality control labs.

GMK Ports and Terminals

GMK Ports and Terminals runs a major port network. We can help landside and shipping clients grow their operations. Through the global roll-out of real-time digital solutions like Track & Trace and Container Status Notifications, APIs, and Terminal Alerts,

GMK Global Broadcasting

GMK Global Broadcasting distributes quality material globally. Our studios, networks, streaming services, live events, and merchandise reach billions. Our studios generate content across genres and formats.

GMK Aviation

GMK Aviation For domestic and international air cargo customers, we pledge to offer efficient logistics solutions. In addition to fostering a pool of dedicated workers who are pleased to support the Indonesian economy,

GMK Life Sciences

GMK Life Sciences is developing nanomedicine products for deadly and disabling diseases. GMK nano develops human and veterinary vaccines, both pre-clinically and clinically. Vaccine research and clinical trials using GMK nano.

GMK Agro Marine

GMK Agro Marine We see a connected world. Global. Interconnected. Global logistics improves the flow Of commodities, data, food, and resources that support people, enterprises, and economies. Idea, culture, and value exchange. A more integrated world improves prosperity

GMK Investments

GMK Investments LLC is a global investing leader. GMK's private equity and credit funds specialize in asset-based investing and have deep experience in a variety of asset categories. GMK's competence includes pricing, owning, fi- nancing, and managing physical and financial assets,

GMK Technoedge

GMK Technoedge A digital growth platform called GMK Technoedge helps startups expand, overcome obstacles, and streamline operations. It provides a variety Of dependable goods, services and solutions to assist companies in dis- covering new prospects, receiving helpful point- ers and

GMK Power

As one of India’s biggest players in the renewable energy sector, GMK Power is well-positioned to respond to the country’s shifting emphasis on renewable energy. Our Renewables Business aims to provide our nation with energy from renewable natural resources, from the wind’s force to the sun’s power:

GMK Seafood

GMK Seafood completes the fisheries' value chain. It grows prawns. Each region and landing centre has an acquisitions representative. Insulated and chilled vehicles distribute goods. Preprocessing resources. Modern processors and freezers. It has its own quality control labs. Most fish-eating countries are our clients.

GMK Pharma

GMK Pharma GMK manufactures excipients, intermediates, and APIs using modern technology and research. GMK works to provide low-cost, high-quality pharmaceuticals to patients. Medical experts and patients worldwide have trusted us for decades.

GMK Ports and Terminals

GMK Ports and Terminals runs a major port network. We can help landside and shipping clients grow their operations. Through the global roll-out of real-time digital solutions like Track & Trace and Container Status Notifications, APIs, and Terminal Alerts, we're helping our clients increase supply chain dependability, flexibility, and efficiency.

GMK Global Broadcasting

GMK Global Broadcasting distributes quality material globally. Our studios, networks, streaming services, live events, and merchandise reach billions. Our studios generate content across genres and formats, while our networks and brands interact with various audiences. Our streaming strategy scales across free, broad pay, and premium.

GMK Aviation

GMK Aviation For domestic and international air cargo customers, we pledge to offer efficient logistics solutions. In addition to fostering a pool of dedicated workers who are pleased to support the Indonesian economy, we will take additional steps to assure client satisfaction.

GMK Life Sciences

GMK Life Sciences is developing nanomedicine products for deadly and disabling diseases. GMK nano develops human and veterinary vaccines, both pre-clinically and clinically. Vaccine research and clinical trials using GMK nano. Our technique uses biocompatible, adjuvant-free, safe-by-design nanoparticles for antigen delivery.

GMK Agro Marine

GMK Agro Marine We see a connected world. Global. Interconnected. Global logistics improves the flow Of commodities, data, food, and resources that support people, enterprises, and economies. Idea, culture, and value exchange. A more integrated world improves prosperity and quality of life. Future generations must live more sustainably because of us.

GMK Power

GMK Power is a pioneer credited with steering the energy sector on technology, process, and platform. Powering emerging technologies for the 'smart' customer, CMK Power's latest busi- ness integrated solutions, focusing on mobility and lifestyle, are poised for multi-fold growth.

GMK Investments

GMK Investments LLC is a global investing leader. GMK's private equity and credit funds specialize in asset-based investing and have deep experience in a variety of asset categories. GMK's competence includes pricing, owning, fi- nancing, and managing physical and financial assets, such as real estate and capital assets.

GMK Technoedge

GMK Technoedge A digital growth platform called GMK Technoedge helps startups expand, overcome obstacles, and streamline operations. It provides a variety Of dependable goods, services and solutions to assist companies in dis- covering new prospects, receiving helpful point- ers and professional counsel, acquiring new skills, and more.

Meet Our Chairman

Yogesh Joshi

Chairman GMK
(American & European continent)

Kapish Joshi

Chairman GMK
 (Asia & Africa Region)
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